Every $1

 Spent On Inmate Education Programs


Is Saved On Reincarceration



The Number Of Incarcerated Individuals We Want To Reach

5 to 10 Years

The Amount Of Time We Hope To Reach Them In

We are a 501(c)3 charitable organization so any donations could be tax-deductible for you! 

Help support the mission of Re-entry by becoming a monthly or one-time investor in AccomplishED VenturesTM.


We cannot do this work without the support of individuals who believe in our mission and join us as we all pursue our individual purpose.



100% of donation goes to giving incarcerated individuals free educational curriculum in the subjects of finance, business, fitness or trucking.


Family Sponsorship


100% of your donation goes to giving Justice impacted families access to visitation (this may be in person or via inmate tablets), school supplies for the children of the incarcerated in June and Christmas gifts for the children in December.




100% of donation goes to providing a recently released individual with a bicycle, backpack, hygiene, and work boots.


You will sponsor 1 adult for the Financial Literacy course. They will receive a workbook, 10 videos, a journal, and possible “good time” credits thanks to California Proposition 57.

Overview of Proposition 57 On November 8, 2016, California voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 57 (64% to 35%), which gives California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) inmates the ability to earn additional credits for good behavior and for approved rehabilitative or educational achievements.

Under Proposition 57, the department will incentivize inmates to take responsibility for their own rehabilitation; promote public safety by encouraging inmates to pursue educational, vocational, and self-improvement activities; and reduce recidivism by increasing the likelihood that inmates will successfully transition back into our communities.

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