77 Million

People Have Criminal Records In The US

10% of these have been incarcerated


People Leave Prison every Year & Attempt To Re-join Society


Of People Released Return To Prison Within 3 Years


Of Incarcerated People have no High School Credentials

Every year, over 600,000 people will leave prison

They will attempt to rejoin their neighbors as productive members of society.

Despite seeking employment at rates higher than the general population, formerly incarcerated individuals are half as likely to get a job because of their incarceration and face unemployment rates five times the national average.

Our Purpose

 In the Google era, a simple web search ensures that no one can ever truly escape their past.

 The discrimination that these would-be employees experience perpetuates a cycle of economic insecurity that forces many to return to illegal activities just to survive. It is unsurprising then that nearly two thirds of formerly incarcerated individuals find themselves back in prison in just three years.


“Our vision is to reduce the rate of recidivism in the United States by providing each incarcerated citizen a path, a plan and a purpose. When an individual has a desire to succeed as much as they have a desire to breathe; they can not be stopped.”

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